
How to learn scalping for free?


By Vladyslav Yudashkin Updated November 21, 2022
BikoTrading Academy


  • Identify growth areas.
  • Pump one area at a time.
  • Find free learning content.
  • Watch videos with the analysis of trades.
  • Read articles from pros in trading.
  • Do the analysis yourself in the morning, and then watch the briefing from the trader and compare.

Identify growth areas

They are divided into 2 categories:

1. Technical.

2. Psychological.


Pump one area at a time

If you cook first course, a main course, salad and dessert at the same time, your chances of screwing up at least one of the dishes will be high.
The situation is similar in trading: do not take everything at once, do everything gradually. Rate each item in the table from one to ten according to your skill and work with the one that gets the worst rating.

No need to bring each to perfection, bring at least to the six out of ten. Then you'll be a well-balanced trader.

Find free learning content

You can find it on youtube, or just on the Internet. Even now you are reading just such content, so save this site to bookmarks and check several times a week, articles are published regularly :)

Watch videos with the analysis of trades

To reach the goal, you need to know what it looks like. Watching experienced pros open trades and studying preconditions can speed up your learning at times, because you will understand which trade is profitable, how to find it, when it is best to enter it and when to leave.

Read articles from pros in trading

For this, I advise you TradingView, because I have already advertised this site))

Every week I publish valuable content from personal experience, which I have accumulated for all 7 years of my career. There are also many other professionals who regularly publish very cool articles on various topics, from technical analysis to psychology.

Do the analysis yourself in the morning, and then watch the briefing from the trader and compare

If you watch a lot of how Ronaldo plays football, you will not play like him, no matter how much time you spend on it. To acquire the skill you need to apply knowledge in practice.

By conducting your own analysis of the market, and then watching the briefing of a cool specialist, you will not only practice, but also immediately work on the mistakes. This is one of the best ways to grow fast and become a successful scalper!

Apply these tips in practice, work on your weaknesses, learn from professionals and you will succeed!

Good luck in trading and see you at the DOM ✌️

