
Pump Tracker: Trading system for Crypto market


By Yaroslav Krasko  September 1, 2024
BikoTrading Academy


Trading is one of the hardest ways to make easy money. According to statistics, only 7-10% of traders earn in this area. Every successful trader spends about 2-3 years to gain experience and a stable income. But it is a long period of time, and beginners understand this perfectly. That's why beginners are looking for signals, trading systems or robots that would help start earning money in the right away. In turn, experienced traders are ready to share their own systems to earn extra money.

Based on this, we understand that this is a topical issue. Therefore, in this article we will talk about what trading robot is and present our own automatic trading system - Pump Tracker.

What is a trading robot or automated trading system?

A trading robot or automated trading system is a programmed algorithm that analyzes data and uses them to issue buy and sell signals.

For example, we will show this process on our own trading system. A green background appears on the chart, which is a buy signal. At this point, we just buy Bitcoin and wait.

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After the purchase, the price continued to rise for a month. Then the system showed a signal to sell.

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This trade brought in a 37% profit, but since we use a leverage of x2 in our trading, the profit amounted to 74%. The system predicted a fall, we successfully increased our deposit and saved money from falling prices.

You may be wondering, how does the trading system work? Everything is simple. A strategy or trading system is an algorithm of factors and actions that a trader uses to make a decision to buy or sell. If a trader has a successful trading strategy, he can program and visualize it for ease of use, both for himself and for users who are granted access.



The advantages of trading robots include:

  • Ease of use. The system is as intuitive as possible and requires the user only to open and close positions according to signals.
  • Availability. A beginner trader does not need to study and gain experience for 2 years. 30 minutes is enough to read the instructions and start earning after the first signal.
  • Absence of emotions. The main enemies of the trader are fear and greed. Many traders lose control under the influence of emotions, which means they lose money. Trading algorithms do not feel emotions, and show signals regardless of the level of fear and greed.
  • Save time. You don't need to spend hours analyzing charts and studying trading, the system will do it for you.
  • Clarity. The human factor has always existed and will always do. The machine cannot miss the signal. It analyzes the data and clearly performs the required function.

One more constant question we get is, do systems bring unprofitable deals? Yes, of course they bring. Any system brings unprofitable deals. The main task of a trader, trading robot or any trading system is to earn more than to lose.

Pump Tracker trading robot

Pump Tracker is an automated trading algorithm that uses data analysis to determine the best Bitcoin buying and selling points. Additionally, the system can be used in futures trading using leverage.

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In the chart above, you can see how the system operates. The tables below show all trades starting from 2019, as well as an example of how your trading balance would have changed if you had $10,000 in your account and followed each trade. Please note that these are results using x2 leverage. In just 3 years of using the system, your capital would have grown to $1 million.

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Enhance your trading opportunities with this daily timeframe strategy, delivering exceptional results.


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